Winter can be rough on your car. Colder temperatures, snow and ice, potholes, and salt are enough to make any car cringe. We’ve put together the following tips to help you winterize your car and make the winter months a little more bearable.
We all know how important traction can be in the snow and ice. Some out with the high performance summer tires and in with all seasons or in some cases a dedicated snow tire. Besides checking the tread and your tire pressure, if your tires have been sitting for the summer, you should check for cracks along the sidewall. These sidewall cracks could result in pressure loss or a blow out.
The Windshield
Your windshield wipers and washer can be your best friend with all of the salt and sand the roads can see during the winter weather. Windshield wipers generally last about a year. So check to make sure they are in good condition. You also want to make sure that your windshield washer reservoir is full. There are many washers available that also include de-icer.
Belts & Hoses
Generally the OEM belts and hoses on your car will live a long life. But cold weather can deteriorate the rubber and cause them to split or break. Be sure to give them the attention they deserve.
Your Battery
A vehicle’s battery power can be reduced by up to 50% in extreme cold. If your battery is more than 3 years old, you should have it tested. Also this is a good time to clean the posts and make sure you have a good connection.
Make sure that your coolant and water mixture is right. Did you have a leak in the summer and you just added water? This could comprise performance or do more damage. You can pick up an antifreeze tester at your local auto parts store.
Protect Your Interior
Snow and salt can do a number on carpeted floor mats. You may want to consider replacing these with a rubber all weather mat.
Sometimes the little things can make all the difference.