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Bully Dog GT Diesel Programmer

Bully Dog GT Diesel Programmer

Regular price $469.00 USD
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Bully Dog GT Diesel Programmer

The Bully Dog GT is four products in one remarkable unit: a performance tuner, monitor, gauge, and diagnostic device all in a single unit.

Dyno Proven Performance

The GT Gas delivers DYNO proven tune files that INCREASE HORSEPOWER and TORQUE

Monitor More Parameters

The GT Gas comes complete with a mount for on dash monitoring of a huge list of parameters.

Now With Custom Tuning

Stores up to 10 custom tune files created by your local Bully Dog / SCT Custom Tuning Dealer. *Not available for all vehicles

Bully Dog GT Features

  • 2 Turns Open All Doors
    This unlocks only the driver door when the key UNLOCK button is pushed twice. When this setting is switched OFF, the key UNLOCK button will unlock all the doors.
  • Accessory Delay
    Control how long accessory items will remain on after the engine has been turned off and the doors remain closed. Accessory items include the radio, cigarette lighter, etc.
  • Auto Door Lock
    Enable the vehicle to automatically lock all the doors any time it reaches a speed of 15 mph. Once the vehicle comes to a stop, if the driver’s door is the first to open, then all other doors will automatically unlock.
  • Auto Lock
    Lock the doors when the vehicle reaches to a certain speed.
  • Auto Lock on Shift
    Lock the doors when the lever is shifted from P range to a range other than P.
  • Auto Unlock on Shift
    Unlock the doors by shifting the lever to P range from other than P range when the ignition is ON.
  • Axle Lockers (2WD and 4WD-Hi)
    Easily engage the wheel lockers for offroad traction.
  • CAM Variation Relearn
    Helps the customer relearn the CAM variation after a Computer Swap or Complete computer flash.
  • Daytime Running Light
    Disable or enable daytime running lights.
  • Disable Traction Control
    Disable the traction control. Unlike the [DTC] button on the dash, the traction control will stay off until the setting on the GT is changed even if the vehicle is turned off.
  • Display Ex. Off
    This changes the brightness when canceling the lights for the indicator light of the combination meter, A/C indicator light and clock.
  • Display Ex. On
    This changes the brightness when dimming the indicator light of the combination meter, A/C indicator light and clock.
  • ECT Reset
    This function is used to delete what the Electronic Controlled Transmission has learned.
  • Engine Fan
    Enable or disable† the engine fan regardless of coolant temperature. (This feature does not take effect until the GT returns to the Main Gauge Screen.) † The coolant temperature light will not indicate if the vehicle begins to overheat when the fan is disabled.
  • Entry Delay
    This will turn the Glass Break Sensor ON or OFF. This will change the Entry Delay Time, or the period before starting the warning, by the Passive Mode.
  • Fog Light/High Beam
    Run the fog lights and the high beams at the same time.
  • Foot Light
    This sets the time the Outer Foot Light is on.
  • Headlight Approach Timer
    Adjust the length of time the lights remain on when a vehicle is unlocked using the remote control unit.
  • Headlight Delay
    Set the amount of time that the head lamps remain on after the engine has been turned off.
  • Horn Chirp Length
    Adjust the length of the horn chirp to either short or long when vehicle is locked using the remote control unit.
  • Horn Chirp on Lock
    The vehicle horn will sound each time the doors are locked by a remote control unit while this feature is enabled.
  • Idle Learn Reset
    Resets the Idle RPM to factory setting.
  • Interior Lighting
    This will turn the interior light on when the ignition switch is turned from “ACC” to “LOCK”. This will also turn on the interior light, ignition light and step light on when the door is unlocked by the door key cylinder.
  • Key Reminder Sound
    This changes the frequency of the key reminder buzzer.
  • Key Reminder Volume
    This changes the volume of the key reminder buzzer.
  • Light Auto Off
    This will light the headlight for a time after the doors are closed with the ignition switch turned ON and the light control switch is at HEAD or AUTO and the headlight is ON.
  • Light Sensitivity
    This adjusts the sensitivity of the lights automatically.
  • Light Time On
    This function changes the time between when the doors are closed and the lights go off when the light control switch is at HEAD or AUTO, and the headlight is on.
  • Open Door Warning
    If a door is open when vehicle is being locked by the wireless door lock, a buzzer will sound.
  • Optical Flash on Lock
    The hazard lights will flash each time the doors are locked by a remote control unit when this feature is enabled.
  • Panic Function
    The “ON” setting will enable the Theft Deterrent System by pressing and holding the Panic Button. Use the Lock Button if the Panic Button is unavailable.
  • Passive Mode
    This will set the Theft Deterrent System in 30 seconds after the Driver door is closed and the Key is removed from the Ignition Key Cylinder.
  • PBD Buzzer
    This function will adjust the volume of the buzzer while the PBD operates.
  • Police Mode
    Allows the user to keep the interior and exterior lights off when door is opened and closed.
  • Power Windows This makes the driver window (and all windows, depending on vehicle grade) and sunroof close if the driver window control is held closed. If the driver door window control is held open, the driver’s door window (and all the windows, depending on vehicle grade) and the sunroof will open.
  • Pyro 1
    A pyrometer (pyro) measures exhaust gas temperatures (EGTs); which can be used for defuel and warning level settings to help protect the engine from heat damage.
  • Pyro 2
    A pyrometer (pyro) measures exhaust gas temperatures (EGTs); which can be used for defuel and warning level settings to help protect the engine from heat damage.
  • Relearn Vehicle Data
    Manually place the vehicle computer into learn mode.
  • Reset Engine Oil Life
    Resets to 100% the integrity of the Engine Oil Life monitor.
  • Reset Transmission Oil Life
    Resets to 100% the integrity of the Transmission Oil Life monitor.
  • Seat Belt Chime
    Turn off the seat belt reminder chime.
  • Smart Unlock Configuration
    Change the way your vehicle unlocks when using a remote. Unlock only the driver door with the first button press and unlock the passenger doors by pressing the button again, or unlock all the doors at once.
  • Sunroof Action
    This selects the opening direction of the sliding roof when holding the driver side door key unlocked for a certain time when the ignition switch is OFF.
  • Sunroof Operation
    This will open the sliding roof if the door switch is held to UNLOCK and the ignition switch is OFF. This will also close the sliding roof if the door switch is held to LOCK and the ignition switch is OFF.
  • Sway Bar Disconnect (2WD and 4WD-Hi)
    Disconnect the front sway bar for better off-road stability.
  • Switch A/F Sensor Reading
    Switch between O2 sensors for correct Air/Fuel Ratio values. Nissan Vehicles Only
  • TPMS
    Change or disable the Tire Pressure Monitoring System.
  • Traction Control
    This function will disable Traction Control.
  • Transmission Adaptive Learning
    Hold, resume and reset transmission adaptive learning (TAL), which changes the way the automatic transmission in the vehicle shifts based on driving habits. To pause or stop the TAL process, choose hold. To continue a paused TAL process, choose resume. To restart and relearn driving habits, choose reset.
  • Unlock All Door on Shift
    Lock all the doors when the lever is shifted from P range to a range other than P.
  • Unlock Driver Door
    Use the GT to disable this feature so all of your vehicle doors will unlock with one press of the button on a remote door lock unit.
  • Warn by Horn
    This will turn the Glass Break Sensor ON or OFF.
  • Warning by Broken Glass
    This will turn the Glass Break Sensor ON or OFF.
  • Wireless Auto Lock
    This automatically locks doors after they are unlocked with the wireless key.
  • Wireless Auto Lock Time
    This will change the amount of time from unlocking the door(s) with the wireless key to re-locking them automatically.
  • Wireless Control
    This is used to turn the wireless door lock ON or OFF.
  • Wireless PBD Operation
    This function changes the operation of the PBD by transmitter.
  • Zero Point Calibration
    This function is used to calibrate the Yaw Rate Sensor.


Adjustable Options vary for each vehicle and are not available on all vehicles
  • Accessory Delay Control how long the accessory items will remain on after the engine has been turned off and the doors remain closed. Accessory items such as the radio, cigarette lighter, ect.
  • Active Fuel Management (AFM) Used to enable or disable the AFM (Active Fuel Management) V8 <> V4 functionality.This will only function if the engine is mechanically equipped to shut off cylinders.
  • Adjust Timing Adjust the timing of your engine from +4 to -8 to increase power or fuel economy according to your vehicle’s specifications.
  • Auto Door Lock Enable the vehicle to automatically lock all the doors any time it reaches a speed of 15mph. Once the vehicle comes to a stop, if the driver's door is the first to open, then all other doors will automatically unlock.
  • Axle Lockers (2WD and 4WD-Hi) Easily engage the wheel lockers for off-road traction. (Rubicon Only off road) Lock front and rear differentials in 4WD-Low, 4WD-Hi and 2WD. To enable this feature, highlight the enable button and return to the main screen, then press the locker button on the dash (once for front and twice for rear). The front locker will automatically unlock above 20mph. The rear locker will automatically unlock above 25mph. Both lockers will automatically reengage (lock) if the system is still activated and the vehicle speed drops below those speeds.
  • Axle Ratio Correct the vehicle speedometer (and fuel efficiency calculations) if you have changed the gear ratio on your vehicle. If no gear ration modifications have been made to the vehicle, then choose the stock setting when the tuner prompts you to choose a gear ratio. This will ensure that no modifications are made to the stock program.
  • Boost Control Used to enable or disable the use of a specialized data table for turbo/ supercharged engines. (Enabled: Peak torque calculations take effect when the overboost timer has expired. Otherwise it would perform like a regular engine)
  • Brake Torque Management (BTM) This will disable the BTM (Brake Torque Management) from functioning when the traction control system is switched off.
  • CAM Variation Relearn Used to relearn if vehicle has been flashed and/or if CAM position sensor has been changed. Would have to be done at the dealer but now can be done through the GT.
  • Coolant Temperature Current coolant temperature; this information is used for warning level and safety defueling settings.
  • Coolant Temperature Warning This gauge option shows the coolant temperature in °F or °C. This information is used in warning settings to alarm when the coolant temperature limit is exceeded.
  • Daytime Running Lights Dissable or enable daytime running lights.
  • Disable Traction Control Disable the traction control. Unlike the [DTC] button on the dash, the traction control will stay off until the setting on the unit is changed even if the vehicle is turned off.
  • Engine Fan Enable and disable teh engine fan regardless of coolant temperature. (This feature does not take effect until the unit returns to the Main Gauge Screen.) The coolant temperature light will not indicate if the vehicle begins to overheat when the fan is disabled.
  • Fog Light/High Beam Be able to use the fog lights and the high beams at the sametime.
  • Fuel Dynamics Compensation (FDC) Used to enable or disable the FDC (Fuel Dynamics Compensation) algorithms.
  • Head Light Delay Set the amount of time that the head lamps remain on after the engine has been turned off.
  • Headlight Approach Timer Adjust the length of time the lights remain on when a vehicle unlocking the vehicle with the remote.
  • Horn Chirp Length Adjust the length of the horn chirp to either short or long when the vehicle is locked using the remote.
  • Horn Chirp On Lock The vehicle horn will sound each time the doors are locked by a remote while this feature is enabled.
  • Idle Adjust Enable and select a value for Engine Idle position. This is a great feature for keeping voltage in the vehicle up while running auxiliary electronics off of the vehicle’s power system.
  • Idle Learn Reset: Vehicle relearns idle parameters depending on the current environmental variables.
  • Multiple Displacement System (MDS) Enabling the MDS (Multiple Displacement System) initiates a fuel saving 4-cylinder engine mode and disables additional engine cylinders.
  • Optical Flash On Lock The hazard lights will flash each time the doors are locked using the remote when this feature is enabled.
  • Pyrometer Temperature Warning This gauge option shows the pyrometer temperature in °F or °C. This information is used in warning settings to alarm when the pyrometer temperature limit is exceeded.
  • Relearn Vehicle Data/Transmission Adaptive Learning The transmission adaptive learning, (TAL), changes the way the automatic transmission in the vehicle shifts based on driving habits.
  • Reset Engine Oil Life Reset the vehicles's engine life indicator manually through the GT instead of cycling through all the dash options.
  • Reset Transmission Oil Life Reset the transmission oil life manually through the GT. This would have to originally be done by the dealer but now can be done on demand.
  • Rev Limiter Regulate the highest RPM that an engine can reach before the engine is electronically limited. Increasing the RPM limit is recommended only for racing purposes. Once of the most important ways to protect your engine from damage is to keep the RPMs from going too high.
  • Seat Belt Chime: Turn off seat belt reminder chime.
  • Smart Unlock Configuration Change the way your vehicle when using a remote. Unlock only the driver door with the first button press and unlock the passenger doors by pressing the button again, or unlock all the doors at once.
  • Speed Limiter Change the top speed that the vehicle will reach before the engine automatically limits the power needed to go faster.
  • Switch A/F Sensor Reading Switch between O2 sensors for correct Air/Fuel Ratio values.
  • Throttle Sensitivity Adjust the throttle sensitivity for stock, fuel saver, performance and extreme modes.
  • Tire Size Correct the speedometer if you have changed your tire size from stock.
  • TPMS Change or disable the Tire Pressure Monitoring System.
  • Transfer Case Ratio This function is for users who have physically replaced the Transfer Case. It is only necessary to adjust this when swapping out the Transfer Case for a different Case with a different low range ratio.
  • Transmission Shift Firmness Change the shift firmness of an automatic transmission.
  • Transmission Shift Points Change the RPMs at which an automatic transmission will change gears.
  • Transmission Temperature Warning This gauge option shows the transmission temperature. This information is used in warning settings to alarm when the transmission temperature limit is exceeded in automatic transmissions.
  • Unlock Driver Door Disable this feature so all of the vehicle doors will unlock with one press of the button on the remote.
  • Wide Open Throttle Disable (WOT) Remove the throttle position governor and use up to 100% of your vehicle throttle before you reach 40 mph.
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